Qualities to Look for in a Real Estate Appraiser

When it comes to the sale or purchase of a home, selecting the best real estate appraiser is important. While there are many appraisers out there, a good appraiser gives buyers and lenders surety they are making a good investment. A high quality real estate appraiser is professional, knowledgeable, and possesses the requisite skills to catalyze success

During the housing boom, appraisers received a bit of a bad reputation, as some were accused of manipulating numbers so that lenders could approve loans for buyers who were unqualified. Even though these bad business practices have been left in the past, it is good exercise to be able to identify a trustworthy appraiser.

Let’s take a look at some qualities that make a good real estate appraiser:

  • Unbiased – A good appraiser is one who is completely impartial and unbiased. Personal opinions and connections do not have a place in the real estate appraisal business, and it is imperative that appraisers maintain their objectivity.

  • Eye for Detail – Another quality that goes hand-in-hand with being a good appraiser is attention to detail. A good appraiser is meticulous and detailed with their work. They will go over all the information presented to formulate an accurate report. They will also look out for any inconsistencies in the information, or the potential that falsified documents were used.

  • Analytical Skill – Similar to being a stickler for detail, a good appraiser needs to possess good analytical and critical thinking skills. There are many sources of data that appraisers must consider when determining the value of a property. Evaluating and analyzing all factors is necessary when determining the value of a property.

  • Organization – Real estate appraisers work with multiple different clients at the same time, utilize different sources of information, and must completely investigate the properties that are being appraised. Being organized is an essential skill in order to be successful as a real estate appraiser.

  • Good Communication – Appraisers regularly work with many different people, including meeting with property owners or lenders. The ability to communicate effectively with everyone is important for good customer service.

If you are in need of an appraisal, look no further. Our team of experienced and trustworthy appraisers will provide a detailed report to you quickly and efficiently. Contact Appraisals Unlimited today to start the process or order an appraisal online!


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